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Rail entities negotiations kick off

Oct 8, 2013News

Negotiations with the government over the new Rail Entities enterprise agreement kicked off today with a meeting between the Minister for Transport and representatives of the Combined Rail Unions.

While the meeting was primarily focused on outlining the process for negotiations, the Minster and other government representatives did reveal that they are seeking three agreements to cover Sydney Trains, NSW Trains and RailCorp.

The Minister also advised that she is required to implement an ongoing reform agenda, however no detail on what exactly that could entail was revealed.

The combined unions negotiating team made a formal request for delegates and members to be released during the negotiations to ensure they can have direct input into the negotiations during workplace meetings etc.

A date for the next meeting between the parties, where the schedule and structure of meetingsĀ  will be discussed, is currently being arranged.

Stay tuned for further information.

Read the bulletin here

