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PN Intermodal Dispute

Feb 24, 2011News

The RTBU and PN Intermodal met in Fair Work Australia on Monday of this week for conciliation in an attempt to resolve an outstanding dispute regarding the crediting of hours for blank days on a Public Holiday.

The dispute has been ongoing since November 2010 when various drivers were either rostered blank, or booked off blank on the working roster, and PN made no credit of any hours for the public holiday.

Similarly the same happened at Christmas/New Year. FWA did not make a ruling as it was felt that both sides have a valid argument as there was ambiguity in the Agreement.

This leaves us in a position to explore further options to resolve the dispute and we are currently seeking further advice to our options, at the same time continuing discussions with PN. The RTBU remains committed to obtaining a resolution to this issue.

All members should scrutinise their payslips with the details provided by PN each week and to dispute any discrepancies. The Division will support any member who feels that they have been underpaid as per their EA.

