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PN Bulk & Coal: What to do if your ballot hasn’t arrived

Sep 8, 2017News

To all PN bulk and coal members,

Protected Action Ballot voting opened last Friday 1 September and you should have received your ballot papers in the mail by now. This is a postal ballot – so you need to keep an eye out in the mail and be ready to post it back! The return address will be contained inside the ballot papers.

If you’ve received them, that’s great! We recommend you vote YES on every question.

What do I do if I haven’t received my ballot papers?

If your ballot hasn’t arrived yet, you should contact Jennifer at the Australian Electoral Commission on (02) 8892 0330

Why is it important to vote?

A YES vote is a vote to make sure all action options are available to you and your workmates.

We need all actions to be on the table so that we can fight for a fair wage increase and to ensure our conditions are maintained.

In Solidarity,

Your RTBU team.

Remember to like and follow us on Facebook!

Download a PDF of this bulletin here.

