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Media Release: Aurizon jobs at risk in sell-off

Aug 14, 2017Update

Media Release, 14 August 2017

Aurizon jobs at risk in sell-off

The Rail, Tram and Bus Union is seeking urgent discussions with Aurizon following news today that the jobs of around 50 workers in their NSW Intermodal business are at risk.

Aurizon management put out a statement today saying that it is looking to sell off its QLD based Intermodal business and closing its non-QLD based Intermodal operations, with Pacific National and Linfox touted as potential buyers. The company has today reported a $188 million loss.

RTBU NSW Secretary, Alex Claassens said the news has come as a shock to the union and workers who are waking up today to news that their jobs could be at risk.

“We are seeking urgent discussions with the company to discuss what impact this will have on workers,” Mr Claassens said.

“We will be doing everything we can to minimise the impact this has on the hard-working employees at Aurizon Intermodal. We’re hopeful we can work with the company to ensure workers aren’t negatively impacted.

“This has come as a huge shock to the workforce. Just last week we were told the company was going to restart negotiations for a new enterprise agreement. Now we’re hearing they’re selling off the company entirely.”

