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Drug testing win gives drivers hope

Mar 29, 2012Update

The RTBU has welcomed a Fair Work Australia decision that drug testing was unfair and unreasonable and that swab tests were a more appropriate test of impairment.

The union has long argued that urine testing was not only an invasive procedure but tested for irrelevant recreational drug and alcohol use rather than impairment on the job.

Fair Work Australia ruled in a case for employees of Endeavour Energy that swab testing was more appropriate.

Unions NSW has supported the ruling and unions will work to ensure the precedent flows to workers throughout NSW.

RailCorp workers – from frontline staff  to senior management – are subject to random urine drug tests. While the RTBU doesn’t condone drug use, the focus should be on impairment on the job rather than targeting workers for recreational activities.

The RTBU is urging new national rail safety laws to enshrine swab rather than urine testing.


