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Aurizon coal EA update

Dec 8, 2017News

The RTBU Aurizon Coal negotiating team met with management on Tuesday 5th & Wednesday 6th December 2017 to continue negotiations for the enterprise agreement.

Your negotiating team revisited discussions from the previous meeting on Clause 23- Shift Change, Clause 24- Lift up /Lay Back and Clause 25- Shift Cancellations. We are pleased to report that after further discussions with management, we have finally reached in principle agreement, subject to final words being provided for clause 25 Shift Cancellations. This clause will make clear the process when an employee is unable to attend for a shift due to being unavailable, and how this will be managed.

As we negotiate clauses and they are confirmed as “agreed in principle”, these clauses are parked until all negotiations are completed. We then review all clauses to make sure that no clauses conflict with other words in the document.

Your negotiating team is committed to keep you up to date on the progress of negotiations. Once there is more to report, a depot tour will commence to update members and get feedback.

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