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ACTU calls for ‘living wage’ on anniversary of Harvester decision

Nov 2, 2017News

The ACTU is calling for the minimum wage to be raised to the level of a living wage, on which a low-paid worker could support themselves and their family.

ACTU Secretary, Sally McManus will tonight give a speech calling for increase in the minimum wage and release a new report titles ‘Living up to the Promise of the Harvester: Time for a Living Wage.”. The speech coincides with the 110 year anniversary of the landmark Harvester decision – a seminal moment in Australian history that stated that all Australians deserve to be paid a wage they can afford to survive on.

Click here to read the full report.

ABS figures released last week showed that the soaring cost of living is driving millions of workers into poverty. A breakdown of official ABS data released by the ACTU in the reporet shows a cost of living crisis, with the following increases over the last year compared to the rate of inflation:

The price of electricity has increased 539% faster than the CPI;
Gas increased 356% faster
Childcare increased 161% faster
Utilities increased 394% faster
Health increased 117% faster
Housing increased 83% faster
Education increased 74% faster
Transport increased 50% faster

“When millions of working people have fallen into poverty, Australia needs a pay rise,” Sally McManus said.

“The figures from the ABS show that rather than getting better, everything is getting more expensive and wages aren’t keeping up. The government is failing working people.

“The promise of Harvester was financial security for working people, not barely keeping from starving and making endless sacrifices to keep the lights on.”

